Everyone knew how to transport themselves from home to my consulting room when face to face therapy was possible. Few are familiar with the requirements of online therapy and there are several. The more we get right, the better your outcome. I will work with you whatever the circumstances but it is in your interests to invest a little time in preparation.
Zoom is the best platform for me. You can get it here for free.
Once installed, go to Settings and check that video and audio work.
During hypnosis you need to be fully supported.
Ideally I want to be able to see your hands and face. Like this.
At the same time, you need to be able to see me on your screen.
Please make sure your device has enough power.
Headphones are good.
Ensure as far as possible that you will not be disturbed during your therapy.
Switch off phones.
Keep pets out of the room.
This may seem like a lot but do it once and you'll find it's all easy.
I am indebted to Jonathan for letting me use his image and this short video of online therapy between London and California which you may find informative. Please do watch it.
I look forward to helping you soon.